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Bolso bandolera de sisal hecho a mano de Generous Peace
Sawa Sawa sisal bags offer chic storage solutions for your home, seamlessly blending functionality with aesthetics. Use this to organize blankets, magazines, toys or laundry, infusing each corner of your...
Serenity Handmade Economical Sisal Straw Tote Bag, Market Grocery Shopping Bags with Leather Strap Handles and Button Closure, Large Straw Shoulder Purse Suitable for Travel, Handmade Summer Beachbag
𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 introduces the Handwoven Economical Sisal Tote Bag - an essential accessory for the conscious consumer seeking style, sustainability, and social impact. As mothers themselves, our founders understand the...
Cesta de suelo de sisal hecha a mano Life
Presentamos nuestras exquisitas cestas de suelo hechas a mano: la combinación perfecta de funcionalidad, arte y belleza natural para realzar la decoración de su hogar. Con una altura de 25...
Life’s Path Handmade Sisal Market Tote Basket
Inspired by the interconnectedness of life, this beautifully handwoven basket features bold brown diagonal lines symbolizing the winding journeys we take, contrasted by clean white lines that represent clarity and...
Mochila convertible de hilo y sisal tejida a mano con diseño vibrante Joy
Presentamos la mochila convertible Vibrant de sisal, una sorprendente fusión de color, artesanía y versatilidad. Tejida a mano por hábiles artesanos con hilo natural y sisal sostenible, esta exclusiva bolsa...
Bolso de mano de sisal hecho a mano Waves on Earth
𝐒𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐰𝐚 sisal bags offer chic storage solutions for your home, seamlessly blending functionality with aesthetics. Use this to organize blankets, magazines, toys, or laundry, infusing each corner of your...
Pendientes de rayas blancas y doradas
Pendientes de lágrima blancos y dorados. Hechos a mano con cuentas blancas y doradas por mujeres masai en Kenia. Largo hasta los hombros. Para orejas perforadas. Este artículo fue elaborado...
Bolso bandolera mediano de paja de sisal hecho a mano Life Lines
Celebrate the rhythm and harmony of life with the Flow of Life Handmade Sisal Crossbody Bag. Featuring sleek, flowing horizontal lines in brown, black, and white, this design symbolizes the...
SAWA SAWA Boldly Endure - Bolso de playa de sisal hecho a mano
𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 introduces the Handwoven Economical Sisal Tote Bag - an essential accessory for the conscious consumer seeking style, sustainability, and social impact. As mothers themselves, our founders understand the...
Bolso bandolera de sisal hecho a mano Peace Micro
Perfect for when you want to downsize without compromising on style, the Small Handmade Sisal Crossbody Bag is a chic and sustainable choice for everyday adventures. Handwoven from resilient agave...
Bolso de paja de sisal hecho a mano con el patrón Life Damier
Elevate your wardrobe with the timeless elegance of the Classic Damier Handmade Sisal Crossbody Bag. Featuring a brown, black, and white checkered pattern, this bag is a statement piece that...
Cesta grande de paja de sisal vegana hecha a mano de Life Art
𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 introduces the Handwoven Economical Sisal Tote Bag - an essential accessory for the conscious consumer seeking style, sustainability, and social impact. As mothers themselves, our founders understand the...
Brave - Bolsa de mano vegana de sisal hecha a mano
𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐖𝐀 introduces the Handwoven Economical Sisal Tote Bag - an essential accessory for the conscious consumer seeking style, sustainability, and social impact. As mothers themselves, our founders understand the...
Bolso de mano de sisal hecho a mano Brave
Inspirado en los colores de la naturaleza, el rojo representa la valentía y la audacia. Tejidos a mano por artesanos en Kenia. Los bolsos tipo canasta grandes están hechos a...